More Yield.
Less Feed.

Targeted Bio-active Peptides
Increases Growth
Decreases FCR
Decreases FCR

Technology & Products

AquiNovo’s pioneering technology addresses a key challenge of the aquaculture industry: sustainable increase of fish yields with same resources.

Innovative feed additives result in larger, meatier fish
AquiNovo’s non-GMO and non-hormonal feed additives result in significant improvement in both growth and Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR). The same quantity of feed is thereby converted into more biomass. Size distribution also improves, providing farmers with more larger fish and less smaller fish.

Increased yield, reduced costs
Feed additives developed by AquiNovo are targeted, synthetic, bioactive and biodegradable peptides leading to sustainable increase of farmed fish yields at reduced cost – significantly increasing farmers’ gross profit and margins

Scalable peptide production to meet market needs
AquiNovo’s unique, extremely efficient, peptide production system enables commercial scale peptide production at low cost, thereby enables production scalability to meet market demand.


Proven Efficacy & Safety
AquiNovo’s most advanced product under development is a peptide-based feed additive for tilapia, the second largest farmed fish. It’s efficacy and safety were proven in mid- and large-scale studies (hundreds to thousands of fish per experiment) during a complete growth cycle.

Efficacy and safety studies were carried out in Israel and Asia. Efficacy was measured as fish weight and FCR; safety studies proved no effect on fish health and no peptide accumulation in fish or water.

controlled study results

Environment Friendly

AquiNovo’s products enable greater fish yield utilizing less feed, providing more healthy and accessible food to a growing population. Feed is both a major cost for fish farms, typically ranging between 40-80%, and a key contributor to the farm’s carbon footprint.

AquiNovo’s products will result in significant environmental and social impact, promoting sustainable development goals such as reducing pressure on life below water, promoting food security and mitigating hunger, poverty and climate change. In addition, utilizing our peptide production system in commercial peptide production for other industries such as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals will significantly reduce their production footprint.


More Farmed Fish Yield

Reduces pressure on wild fish populations
climate action goal

Less Feed, Less Emissions

Increasing fish yield with less feed reduces farm GHG emissions
ecological goal icon

Efficient Production, Reduced Costs

Significant reduction in raw materials and time
ecological goal

Higher Farm Profit

Promotes local job security, thereby helping to mitigate poverty
ecological goal

Higher fish yields

Increases supply of healthy accessible food and promotes food security

Increasing Demand for Fish

Due to the depletion of marine sources and increased demand for fish, aquaculture has become the fastest growing animal protein industry, valued at $285B in 2019. Providing more than half of the fish eaten, the aquaculture industry is facing a huge challenge to sustainably produce more fish with less resources.

Who We Are

AquiNovo was founded in 2015, based on technology developed at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem by Professors Berta Levavi-Sivan and Chaim Gilon, with the vision of providing creative sustainable solutions for the global food crisis by developing, producing and selling innovative feed additives for farmed fish, addressing the ever-growing demand for fish. 

Award-Winning Innovation

AquiNovo was awarded first place in aquaculture innovation by Israel's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, 2019.

hebrew university
ministry of agriculture and rural development
israel innovation authority


Nissim Chen

Nissim Chen, PhD, MBA

Founder & CEO

Freddy Shaviv, M.Sc

Head of Production, Board Member

Limor Ziv-Strasser, PhD


Scientific Advisory Board

Prof. Berta Levavi-Sivan

Faculty of Agriculture, the Hebrew University

Freddy Shaviv, M.Sc

Head of Production, Board Member

Prof. Chaim Gilon

(Emeritus), Faculty of Science, Hebrew University

Contact Us

AquiNovo is open to investment and cooperation with strategic partners to develop feed additives for various species of fish.

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